Rise Research in the news
- A nice write-up of Rise's work with Dr. Angie Fertig and researchers at the MN Department of Human Services to understand the relationship between deep poverty and health - and what we can do about it. (March 2021)
- More on Complete Streets! Overview of our work with University of Minnesota and the City of Richfield to understand the community impact of an innovative, city-wide Complete Streets initiative. (March 2021)
- New project alert! We are thrilled to be working with the University of Minnesota and the State of Minnesota to understand the impact of Complete Streets on small cities in Minnesota. Click here to read more. (August 2020)
- Robin talks to CBS Minnesota about lobbying in American politics. (February 2018)
- A great interview with State and Hill about the power of activism in American politics. (April 2017)
- Robin talks about her research on advocacy group influence on the London Schools of Economics US Centre blog. (October 2016)
- From the archives! The Minnesota Daily talks to Robin about money and politics. (March 2012)